Makro Wholesale Stores by House of Habib and Makro Cash and Carry
Makro Habib Pakistan Limited owned by joint venture between Makro Cash and Carry and House of Habib, Makro Super Stores is a well known Chain of Super Wholesale Stores in Pakistan, currently having 5 Branches in Pakistan 2 of their branches are in Lahore, 1 branch in Karachi, 1 in Faisalabad and 1 in Islamabad.You can easily buy fresh fruits,fresh vegetables, All types of meat, packaged food, consumer Products, electronics Items, non-food items, household consumer goods, pharmaceutical products, electrical Products, Sports etc.
People Take This Kind of Shopping positively as they easily buy everything from there under a single roof.
People also came at Makro for outing and to have fun of having a Shopping place full of almost everything you need, Families love to have an international level Store in their country.